100 kg of cocaine at the bottom of the Gulf of Gdańsk - successful drug smuggling interception

Officers of the maritime border guard unit have dismantled an organized criminal group involved in smuggling large quantities of narcotics. They secured over 100 kg of cocaine, which could have reached a black-market value of up to PLN 60 million. Seven individuals have been detained in connection with the case.

border guard tricity news

18 february 2025   |   10:59   |   Source: Morski Oddział Straży Granicznej / Gazeta Morska   |   Prepared by: Kamil Kusier   |   Print

Funkcjonariusze MOSG zabezpieczający zatrzymane narkotyki. Fot. MOSG

Funkcjonariusze MOSG zabezpieczający zatrzymane narkotyki. Fot. MOSG

The investigation was initiated by the Pomeranian branch of the department for organized crime and corruption of the national prosecutor's office in Gdańsk and entrusted to the operational-investigative division of the maritime border guard unit.

The interception of such a significant drug shipment into Poland is the result of a coordinated operation involving the maritime border guard unit, international partners under the auspices of Europol and the DEA, and the oversight of the national prosecutor's office.

The discovered offense was linked to activities carried out by maritime border guard officers as part of critical infrastructure protection operations, which ultimately led to the detection of the crime, identification, and apprehension of the perpetrators. The narcotics were recovered from the seabed in the Gulf of Gdańsk. Simultaneous enforcement actions conducted at the known locations of the group's members led to the seizure of further significant quantities of drugs and other evidence of the crime.

The detainees have been charged with participation in an organized criminal group, large-scale drug trafficking, and the importation of narcotics into Poland, offenses punishable by 3 to 20 years of imprisonment. At the request of the national prosecutor's office, the Gdańsk Południe district court has imposed pre-trial detention for three months on four key members of the group.

The case remains ongoing, and further arrests have not been ruled out.

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Kamil Kusier
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