Westinghouse secures contract for AP1000 deployment analysis in Slovenia

Westinghouse Electric Company has signed an agreement with the Slovenian state-owned energy company GEN energija to conduct a Technical Feasibility Study (TFS) for the deployment of AP1000® reactors at the planned Krško-II nuclear power plant. This represents a key step towards enhancing Slovenia’s energy independence and expanding its nuclear sector. Hyundai Engineering & Construction Company has also been engaged in the study’s execution.

business power engineering worldwide news

16 february 2025   |   10:05   |   Source: Gazeta Morska   |   Prepared by: Kamil Kusier   |   Print

fot. Westinghouse

fot. Westinghouse

As part of the technical analysis, the feasibility of constructing a single AP1000 reactor at Krško-II will be assessed. The new facility is planned to be located adjacent to the existing Krško nuclear power plant, which has been in operation since 1983 and is based on Westinghouse technology. The project aims to reduce Slovenia’s reliance on imported energy sources and ensure a stable supply of clean energy for decades to come.

- For four decades, we have closely collaborated with GEN energija, supporting the operation and fuel supply of the first Krško unit. We are pleased to expand this partnership and evaluate the potential of an AP1000 reactor in Slovenia, said Dan Lipman, President of Westinghouse Energy Systems. - This initiative will not only enhance the country’s energy security but also create new jobs and provide tangible economic benefits.

The AP1000 is the world’s only operating Generation III+ reactor, featuring fully passive safety systems and a modular design. It also has the smallest footprint per MWe among all available nuclear reactor technologies. Four AP1000 reactors are currently setting records for operational efficiency and reliability, with twelve more under construction.

The AP1000 technology has also been selected for nuclear energy projects in Poland, Ukraine, and Bulgaria, and is under consideration in several other countries across Europe, including the United Kingdom, as well as in India and North America.

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Kamil Kusier
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