Tomasz Chamera becomes Vice President of World Sailing

During the annual World Sailing Conference held in Singapore, elections for the governing authorities for a four-year term took place. Quanhai Li from China was re-elected as President. Tomasz Chamera, President of the Polish Yachting Association, retained his position as Vice President.

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14 november 2024   |   16:32   |   Source: Polski Związek Żeglarski / Gazeta Morska   |   Print

fot. Tomasz Chamera / PZŻ

fot. Tomasz Chamera / PZŻ

According to the Polish Yachting Association, Tomasz Chamera's program for his candidacy as Vice President of World Sailing focuses on the strategic development of sailing as a global, accessible, and inspiring sport for different generations.

- His goals include maintaining sailing's status as an Olympic discipline and reinstating sailing for people with disabilities into the Paralympic program. The President of the Polish Yachting Association also prioritizes cost efficiency, improvements in equipment, and the organization of competitions to enhance accessibility and ensure the sustainable development of sailing -  says Monika Bronicka of the Polish Yachting Association.

In his program, as emphasized by the PYA, Tomasz Chamera highlights the necessity of maintaining an open dialogue with the organization’s members and collaborating with various sectors to ensure that the sport can meet contemporary challenges. His plan emphasizes strengthening World Sailing by focusing on member orientation, fostering innovation, and preserving tradition while embracing technological advancements.

Kamil Kusier
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