New strategic simulation system at the Polish Naval Academy

The Naval Academy in Gdynia has acquired a modern educational tool – the "Interregnum. Strategic Simulation Game" system. This is the result of a two-year research and development project carried out jointly by Dr. Łukasz Wyszyński and Dr. Paweł Kusiak. The system was designed to develop key competencies in strategic thinking, negotiation, communication, and leadership.

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01 february 2025   |   07:03   |   Source: Gazeta Morska   |   Prepared by: Kamil Kusier   |   Print

Interregnum | fot. Gazeta Morska

Interregnum | fot. Gazeta Morska

A modern approach to education has led to the establishment of a specialized Game and Simulation Lab within the Department of International Relations at the Naval Academy in Gdynia. The lab is headed by Dr. Paweł Kusiak, who emphasizes that Interregnum is not merely a teaching tool but a simulation system that enables the analysis and evaluation of political processes. Based on this foundation, it allows for the simulation and forecasting of political behaviors using various models grounded in international relations and political theories. This enables students to gain practical experience in an environment that simulates real decision-making processes, helping them dynamically manage their chosen strategy.

The Interregnum system will be used in the education of students from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences as well as the entire Naval Academy. Its first implementation took place during the MBA Diplomacy program, although extensive testing has been ongoing for a year.

- "Interregnum" allows for the comprehensive use of knowledge in the field of international relations while creating a space for developing skills and social attitudes applicable in management, politics, strategy, and defense. The system is not a simulator—it is a tool for building educational scenarios and stimulating students' development through gamification of the entire process, said Dr. Łukasz Wyszyński, an expert at Daily Mare.

The innovative educational tool has already generated significant interest, and its potential extends beyond academic education to training programs for public administration and the defense sector.

- "Interregnum" is not just an ordinary strategic or war game. From a gameplay mechanics perspective, it is not overly complex—and that was intentional. We wanted to ensure that the entry threshold for the game is not too high. Anyone can play after a short introduction. Additionally, an important distinguishing feature of Interregnum is the significance of the game scenario. The emphasis can be placed on realpolitik, where the primary measure of power is the potential of the entity being controlled. Alternatively, a scenario can be tailored to develop soft skills, focusing on negotiation and communication. The system can also incorporate random elements or external events. In each case, it will be a different game with a unique educational potential, added Dr. Paweł Kusiak.

Due to Interregnum, students at the Naval Academy gain the opportunity to learn strategy and management in dynamically changing international conditions.

Kamil Kusier
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