Portuguese Navy monitors Russian Federation ships in the Mediterranean and EEZ
As 2024 came to a close, the Portuguese Navy launched an operation in the Mediterranean Sea and along its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to monitor five Russian vessels.
security navy worldwide nato04 january 2025 | 19:15 | Source: Marinha Portuguesa / Gazeta Morska | Prepared by: Bartosz Piątek | Print
fot. Marinha Portuguesa
Portuguese navy operation in response to Russian activities
The Portuguese Navy has undertaken an operation to monitor five vessels from the Russian Federation since December 31, 2024. This group includes the amphibious ship Aleksandr Shabalin, logistical support vessels Baltic Leader, Sparta II, and General Skobelev, currently navigating the Mediterranean Sea. Additionally, the submarine Novorossiysk has been tracked while operating along Portugal’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
To ensure effective monitoring, the Portuguese Maritime Operations Centre has deployed the frigate NRP Álvares Cabral, the offshore patrol vessel NRP Setúbal, and the rapid patrol boats Orion and Cassiopeia. These assets are tasked with accompanying and supervising the activities of the Russian vessels.
This mission underscores Portugal’s commitment to safeguarding its maritime spaces and fulfilling international obligations within the framework of the Atlantic Alliance. The operation also highlights the Navy’s role in protecting critical national infrastructure and ensuring security in areas under its jurisdiction.
This latest deployment is part of a broader operational effort, marking the Navy’s 73rd monitoring mission of 2024. The Portuguese Navy remains on constant alert to uphold the defence and security of maritime areas 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Bartosz Piątek
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