Discovery of a new gas field in greater Poland

The Siedlemin gas field near Jarocin has been estimated to contain nearly a quarter of a billion cubic meters of natural gas. Rapid production from this new discovery will be possible due to the well-developed extraction infrastructure in the region. Orlen currently operates three gas fields in the Jarocin district and continues to explore for additional reserves.

business power engineering news

16 february 2025   |   16:10   |   Source: Gazeta Morska   |   Prepared by: Kamil Kusier   |   Print

fot. Mirosław Wrona / Orlen

fot. Mirosław Wrona / Orlen

The Siedlemin field was discovered as part of a joint project by Orlen S.A. and Orlen Upstream Polska Sp. z o.o. at a depth of approximately 3 kilometers. Following production tests, the field's reserves have been estimated at over 235 million cubic meters.

- As we have committed, we are maximizing domestic production to leverage all available resources. The discovery of the Siedlemin field near Jarocin confirms Greater Poland’s strong position on the country’s energy map. This province is where Orlen extracts the largest volume of natural gas in Poland. Exploration and new discoveries align with our strategy, in which gas plays a key role in supporting the energy transition by balancing a system increasingly reliant on renewable energy sources. Orlen’s extraction operations also provide tangible financial benefits to local communities, said Wiesław Prugar, Orlen Management Board Member for Upstream and President of Orlen Upstream Polska.

The Siedlemin field is located in an area with strong potential for hydrocarbon extraction, as confirmed by previous exploration work and the discovery of existing gas fields such as Radlin, Klęka, Klęka E, Roszków, and Chwalęcin.

Orlen plans to continue exploring for additional deposits in the region, where a well-developed production and transmission infrastructure is already in place. This allows the company to reduce both the time and costs associated with initiating production from newly discovered reserves.

Oil and gas extraction companies in Poland are required to pay a special production levy, 90% of which is allocated to local governments in the areas where extraction takes place. This revenue provides municipalities with an additional and stable source of budgetary income. In 2024, total production levies collected for municipalities where Orlen’s Zielona Góra branch operates amounted to nearly PLN 80 million.

In 2023, Orlen Group’s total natural gas production reached 7.1 billion cubic meters, covering 42% of Poland’s national demand. Domestic production accounted for 3.4 billion cubic meters, with nearly 1.7 billion cubic meters extracted in Greater Poland alone.

Under its new strategy for 2035, Orlen has set a goal to increase total gas production from both domestic and international fields to 12 billion cubic meters by 2030, including 4 billion cubic meters from fields in Poland.


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Kamil Kusier
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