Field lessons in Puck related to the 105th anniversary of Poland's marriage to the sea

On February 6th in Puck, as part of the celebrations of the 105th anniversary of Poland's marriage to the sea, field lessons began, allowing students to delve into the history of this important event. The lessons, organized by the Gdańsk branch of the Institute of National Remembrance, involve students from schools in the Pomeranian Voivodeship.

education history news

06 february 2025   |   13:20   |   Source: IPN / Gazeta Morska   |   Prepared by: Kamil Kusier   |   Print

fot. IPN o. Gdańsk

fot. IPN o. Gdańsk

The main anniversary celebrations will take place next Monday, February 10th, and until then, the participants of the lessons will embark on journeys to explore the history of the town. Dr. Barbara Męczykowska and Karolina Masłowska, who are leading the lessons, take students on a tour of places in Puck connected to the Marriage of Poland to the Sea.

The lessons will continue until February 14th, and so far, students from the Primary School No. 9 in Wejherowo, the 1st Secondary School in Puck, and the Primary School named after Mariusz Zaruski in Puck have participated.

Kamil Kusier
redaktor naczelny



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