Honorary blood donation at AMW. Share life!

On February 18, 2025 (Tuesday), another, the third this year, Honorary Blood Donation Campaign will take place at the Naval Academy. This is a unique opportunity to help those in need in a simple yet extremely important way. The organizers invite everyone willing to participate in this noble initiative.

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17 february 2025   |   11:09   |   Source: Gazeta Morska   |   Prepared by: Kamil Kusier   |   Print

fot. DGRSZ / 1BPanc

fot. DGRSZ / 1BPanc

Blood is one of the most valuable gifts we can offer another person. It is indispensable in saving the lives of accident victims, patients requiring surgery, people fighting cancer, or those struggling with severe blood disorders. Unfortunately, despite modern technologies and advanced medicine, there is still no synthetic substitute for blood. The lives of many people depend on donors.

As always, the Regional Blood Donation and Hemotherapy Center in Gdańsk is involved in the campaign. The blood donation bus will be stationed at the entrance to the AMW Main Library, and donor registration will be conducted from 08:30 to 13:00. This is a perfect opportunity to donate blood without unnecessary formalities and in comfortable conditions, joining the ranks of honorary blood donors.

Who can donate blood?

Anyone aged 18–65, weighing at least 50 kg, and in good health can become a donor. Before donating blood, it is advisable to have a light meal and stay hydrated, as well as remember to bring an identity document. The entire process is safe and supervised by qualified medical staff.

Why is it worth it?

Beyond the satisfaction of saving someone's life, honorary blood donors can enjoy several benefits, such as an additional day off work, a regeneration package (including the famous chocolates!), and the possibility of receiving awards and privileges for regular donors.

Every drop of blood is worth its weight in gold – don’t wait, join those who share this priceless gift. Let’s meet on February 18 at AMW and help those who need our blood the most!

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Kamil Kusier
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