Orlen to supply gas to Ukraine

Orlen and Naftogaz have signed a memorandum of cooperation in the LNG sector. Its implementation will allow Ukraine to increase the diversification of supply sources for this strategic energy resource. The first result of the agreement is the sale transaction of gas derived from LNG regasification by Orlen.

business power engineering news

07 march 2025   |   15:10   |   Source: Gazeta Morska   |   Prepared by: Kamil Kusier   |   Print

fot. Orlen

fot. Orlen

The Polish energy company and Naftogaz of Ukraine have agreed on the terms of cooperation for the supply of natural gas to Ukraine. The memorandum is of a framework nature, aiming to strengthen cooperation that enhances Ukraine's energy security through the diversification of gas supply sources and routes. The document was signed by Robert Soszyński, Vice President of the Orlen Management Board for Operations, and Roman Chumak, Chairman of the Board of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine.

– The letter of intent between Orlen and Naftogaz lays the foundation for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation in the key area of energy resource supply. Our relations will be based on commercial principles, but the acquisition of an additional gas source by the Ukrainian side is also significant from the perspective of the country's security. Thanks to diversification, Orlen ensures stable and competitive gas supplies for Polish consumers and can be a reliable partner for foreign contractors – said Robert Soszyński, Vice President of the Orlen Management Board for Operations.

– Ukraine has a solid gas transmission system and the largest underground storage facilities in Europe, offering unique opportunities for the development of the LNG market – said Roman Chumak, Chairman of the Board of Naftogaz of Ukraine. – The partnership with Orlen strengthens energy security, diversifies supplies, and accelerates Ukraine's integration with the European gas market.

As part of the memorandum, Orlen and Naftogaz have also signed a gas purchase agreement for approximately 100 million cubic meters. The gas will originate from an LNG cargo delivered to the terminal in Klaipėda, Lithuania. It will then be transported via the GIPL pipeline connecting Lithuania and Poland, and further through Polish territory to the Drozdovychi interconnector at the Ukrainian border, where it will be received by Naftogaz.

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Kamil Kusier
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