Dynamic Move 2025-I: Polish mine warfare experts leading International exercises

For the past two weeks, the Dynamic Move 2025-I exercises, one of NATO’s key mine countermeasure operations, have been taking place in Ostend, Belgium. Specialists from the 8th Coastal Defense Flotilla participated in the maneuvers, honing their skills in planning and conducting operations aimed at ensuring maritime security.

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08 february 2025   |   07:07   |   Source: Gazeta Morska   |   Prepared by: Kamil Kusier   |   Print

fot. Dowództwo Sojuszniczych Sił Morskich MARCOM

fot. Dowództwo Sojuszniczych Sił Morskich MARCOM

Dynamic Move is a recurring exercise organized under NATO’s auspices, bringing together naval representatives from various allied nations. Its objective is to enhance qualifications in countering mine threats and improve cooperation among member states. During this year’s edition, Polish officers had the opportunity to assume command roles over an international mine countermeasures task group, comprising various types of naval units.

The exercises were organized by Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) and included simulated mine countermeasure operations. As part of the training, two Task Force battle staffs led task groups consisting of six units, coordinating activities in a simulated crisis scenario.

Participants worked on planning and executing mine countermeasure operations at the tactical level, as well as evaluating existing procedures and mine warfare doctrines. The intensive staff training allowed for the exchange of experience and validation of currently applied solutions. As participants emphasized, joint exercises with allies are not only an opportunity to gain knowledge and improve skills but also to build interoperability and strengthen NATO’s collective defense.

During the exercises, the advanced Naval Mine Warfare Gaming System (NMWGS) was utilized. Since 2015, this system has played a crucial role in Dynamic Move training by enabling realistic mine countermeasure operations and real-time analysis of participants’ actions.

This event provides a unique opportunity to enhance the interoperability of NATO’s mine countermeasure forces, optimize operational procedures, and improve readiness for joint operations when needed.

The Polish Navy has been actively participating in NATO operations and exercises for years, contributing to maritime security and strengthening international cooperation. Each successive edition of Dynamic Move marks an important step toward increasing mine countermeasure capabilities and improving the coordination of allied operations.

Kamil Kusier
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